Summertime Blues

I am going to interrupt this blog's usual programming for a few moments of whining and complaining.

Then I will get over it.

So . . . I have been on summer break for more than a week already. Yay me!

But really. When the last bell rang on Friday the 17th of May, there was no skipping down the hallway. I did not hear the hallelujah chorus as I walked out the door. There were no celebratory cartwheels in the parking lot.

I am stressed out and overwhelmed . . . ABOUT NEXT YEAR!!!

I don't know why. . .

My summer list has only three things:

1.  Change everything.

2.  Rewrite curriculum from scratch.

3. Plan two new preps, for a total of five.


Have you ever had that back-to-school nightmare where you have a room full of students looking at you and you have no lesson plans? I had that dream. In May. . . a good three months from the start of the school year.

I will figure it out. I will find balance and I will enjoy summer with my family. I will also be productive. I will find the joy in the profession that I love. I will rise to the challenge and I will plan my little heart out. But right now, just for a little while, I kind of want to not be a teacher.
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