Made 4 Math: Two PIzza Boxes and a Hot Glue Gun

I decided to arrange my desks into groups of four this year. It is a little out of my comfort zone, but so far I am LOVING it! Except for one thing. . . What to do on test days?

I don't want to re-arrange the desks. It takes too much time to do it myself, and I am way too OCD to trust anyone else with the lining up of straight rows. . . I decided to try out a solution I am going to call "two pizza boxes and a hot glue gun".

For each group of four, you will need:  Two pizza boxes, and a hot glue gun.

I picked up twelve large pizza boxes from my local Pizza Hut. They let me have them for free. Thank you, Pizza Hut.

See those tabs at the hinge? Those are going to be a problem. Cut them off.

Then use hot glue to attach the "spines" of two boxes.

Open the boxes, and you have four compartments for private test-taking. When not in use, you can fold 'em up and store them. (Cameo appearance by Sophie).

Here they are in action.

I used them for the first time today. The kids thought it was fun. I wish they were a bit wider, as they don't cover the entire space between students. Still, I think they provide enough privacy. Time will tell . . .

Oh, and the most fun part of this whole project? Seeing the looks on the faces of students as they watched the crazy teacher with twelve pizza boxes struggle into the building this morning. I got multiple offers to help carry and open doors. 
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