Visions of Hallways

Okay, this has nothing to do with math. But it has everything to do with my experience as an educator right now. I can't NOT write about it.

In the summer of 2008, the small Kansas town where I teach was struck by a tornado that left a path of destruction through the middle of town. The schools were aligned in such a way that every one of them was destroyed. A colleague of mine writes all about it here.

This is what the school where I teach looked like before June 11, 2008. 
(I'm not sure who took this picture, I got it from our journalism teacher.)

This is what it looked like on June 13, 2008.

This was my classroom. It was mostly empty because the floors were being waxed.

And these are a few of the classrooms we've used for 2 1/2 years.  

It has been a very, very, long journey.

Our new school is ready.

We move in tomorrow!

We have three days to get settled and the students will arrive on Monday.

Tonight, when I'm nestled all snug in my bed -- there will be visions of hallways dancing in my head.
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